As some of you may be aware, I have not been blogging now for about 7 months and have only written a few posts even in the last year. I can't explain why; I just don't feel like writing blog posts. But, there is a lot of material on this blog that people use for classes and for building classes. So, I thought I would make a TOC as the final (and automatically visible post) of resource housed on this blog and some of the most frequently used posts, along with links or citations to published versions of some of the material. If you are looking for the posts on the disciplinary debates arounds Classics, use the sidebar navigation.
General Pedagogy and Scholarship: "An Ethnics of Citation" (August 2020); written with Maximus Planudes on why and how to cite scholars and when it is actually ok to not cite someone.
Ancient Identities/Race and Ethnicity Teaching Resources
- New Timeline (in progress) of authors included in the 2013 Race and Ethnicity in the Classical World sourcebook:
- Syllabi, pedagogy articles, podcasts, etc for teaching
- An out of control and in-need-of-updating bibliography of scholarship on race, ethnicity, and identity in antiquity and its modern receptions
- Glossary of terms for teaching about race, ethnicity, and identity in antiquity
- "Museums as 'Trojan Horses'" (Sept 2018); from back in my Museum Director phase
Blog Posts and References for "Western Civilization"
- "Reflections on the 'West'" (April 2020)
- "Notes on "West" and "Western Civ"" (February 2020)
- "On the History of 'Western Civilization', Part 1" (Apr 2019). Part 2 never happened on the blog. I published two chapters in edited volumes on it instead (see below)
- Kennedy, Rebecca Futo. 2023. "Classics and Western civilization: The Troubling History of an Authoritative Narrative" in Authority and History: Ancient Models, Modern Questions edited by Juliana Bastos Marques and Federico Santangelo. (This would have been Part 2)
- Kennedy, Rebecca Futo. 2023. "‘Western Civilization’, White Supremacism and the Myth of a White Ancient Greece," in Polarized Pasts: Heritage and Belonging in Times of Political Polarization, edited by Elisabeth Niklasson. (This would have been Part 3 of the blog series)
- "Classics, Culture, and Civilization! Oh, My!" (March 2019), by Maximus Planudes
- "His Western Civilization is not My Western Civilization" (Nov. 2017)
Blog Posts on Race, Ethnicity, Identity, Black Classicisms, and White Supremacism
- ""The Negro Problem", Race, and Classics in Higher Education" (with Jackie Murray, June 2021); this was the material that was edited out of our essay in The Undefeated). There will also be a book on Classics in HBCUs coming out hopefully this year that I will post the citation for when its ready.
- "Race and the Athenian Metic--Modeling an Approach to Race in Antiquity" (Dec 2020); the published, full-length version of this material will be coming out hopefully by the end of 2023 in a big edited volume on Identity in Antiquity. If you want to use the article in classes, email me.
- "Notes on the Athenian Metic" (April 2020) (PS. I am revising the Oxford Classical Dictionary entry for Metics and it will be available by the end of 2023)
- CANE Summer Institute 2019 Onassis Lectures on Ancient Identities/Modern Politics: Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3
- "Is there a race or ethnicity in Greco-Roman antiquity?" (April 2019). This material was an early version of what is now Ch 1 of my forthcoming book. If you want the most recent and clarified version for a class, email me. Book should be out by the end of this year, but maybe early 2024. The Glossary linked above have updated definitions and may be more useful for classes.
- "The (Black)Faces of Aeschylus' Suppliants" (March 2019); the full published version will be out in March or so in the Companion to Aeschylus, edited by J. Bromberg and P. Burian (Wiley). Happy to provide a copy for class use. There is also a great Reading Greek Tragedy video from the CHS series available on YouTube.
- "Wine and Milk: Drinking Cultures as Acts of Exclusion" (Nov. 2018), by Kate Topper
- "Using Freedpersons as an Argument for an Inclusive Rome?" (Feb 2018) -- still a problem in the classroom!
- "The Dorian Invasion and 'White' Ownership of Classical Greece?" (Jan 2018); this began from the outrage over he casting of David Gyasi as Achilles. I've now published a chapter on the backlash as Kennedy 2022. "Racist Reactions to Black Achilles" in Screening Love and War in Troy: Fall of a City, edited by Monica Cyrino and Antony Augoustakis. The rest of it ended up in the Polarizd Pasts chapter.
- "Classically White Supremacy--The American Dream of a White City" (Dec 2017); some of this stuff will appear in the new book or appeared in my chapter in Classics and Early Anthropology, edited by Emily Varto. But the blog post is pretty much the only thing I've put in print to date on the fair, though many people have heard me give talks on it. -- THIS IS TEMPORARILY REMOVED AS I AM WORKING ON AN ARTICLE ON THE TOPIC
- "Colorlines in Classical North Africa" (Oct 2017)
- "Ethnicity in Herodotus -- the Honest Entry" (Sept 2017). The actual entry has been published in Chris Baron's 3-volume Encyclopedia of Herodotus.
- "Blood and Soil from Antiquity to Charlottesville: A Short Primer" (August 2017)
- "How is the Ancient Mediterranean Diverse If Everyone There Is "White"? (August 2017)
Blog Posts on Women and Gender Issues
- "Aspasia of Miletus" (November 2021). (I have been asked to rewrite the entry on Aspasia for the Encyclopedia of Ancient History-- Wiley. Bob Wallace wrote the original and it should be available online by the end of 2023)
- "The Epilogue I Never Wrote. On Finally Coming to a Conclusion" (August 2020); the final chapter of my 2014 book on Immigrant Women in Athens, a chapter I never wrote until 6 years later. THIS IS TEMPORARILY REMOVED
- "On Being a [Foreign] Women in Classical Athens" (March 2018)